Discharges of stormwater runoff to drainages, storm sewers or directly to surface waters from municipal properties, industrial facilities, and construction sites have come under increased scrutiny by state, federal, and municipal government.  Discharges from these storm sewers and drainage-ways to water bodies of California that contain contaminated runoff are regulated by individual, municipal, and state agency issued permits, and/or regional and statewide general permits. These permits are frequently revised and reissued.

The permits may include Best Management Practices (BMPs), drainage control measures, low impact development requirements (LID), Total Maximum Daily Load requirements (TMDLs) for certain contaminants, numerous discharge limitations, monitoring programs, and other detailed provisions. They apply broadly to certain existing facilities, new residential and commercial development, redevelopment projects, and industrial properties. The Regional Water Boards actively enforce these standards and permits.

Since leaving the State and Regional Water Boards, Gary has actively advised and represented numerous municipalities, industrial business site owners, and construction site operators regarding necessary stormwater regulatory planning, permit issuance, subsequent project implementation and compliance, and response to enforcement actions.  His representation also considers client risk reduction from the increasingly frequent and costly citizen-initiated lawsuits.

Read about representative stormwater cases.